Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Abaco Island: entertainment

First you can enjoy the pool...
or as the guys did here, you can sit and enjoy the ocean view...
or you can have someone remove something from your foot while enjoying the hot tub
or snorkel out to one of the Turtle Islands.

 The water is so shallow you can actually walk out, the water is calm and so clear.  Then go to the other side and observe a huge amount of different kinds of fish.  Pictures of those colorful fish were taken on a underwater camera, and will be posted at a later date, I hope.
You can enjoy a local brew, Kalik...or of course most restaurants have a signature drink that is oh, so tasty!

Enjoy the sunset at the Marsh Harbor Marina.

We found a shallow inlet, and then walked out to a sand bar in Treasure Cay.

More to come......

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