Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Abaco Island - Boating

On Abaco Island, we spent a couple days "on the water".  First we went fishing with Captain Lowe.  We started in the Sea of Abaco, where Scott and Julie both caught fish, then moved out into the ocean.  This particular day was after an evening of rain and wind, so the Sea of Abaco was a little choppy, making the ocean quite a bit more.

                                                         Tom enjoying the morning
                                                     Scott working on the rod....
                                                                  Caught this snapper

                                                              Here is the fish Julie caught

For lunch we went into Little Harbour, and had, as per every day, a wonderful meal.  
                                                          t shirts hanging from the ceiling
                                                                  Group Picture

Then all but me ventured out again for an afternoon of fishing.  The rough water in the morning was enough for my inner ear.  Everyone caught something in the afternoon and we enjoyed a feast of fish grilled to perfection by Scott that evening.

A few days later, we chartered a different boat and went Cay Hopping.  The water was really calm and we started out the morning checking out the Abaco coastline.

Here is where Day of the Dolphin with George C Scott was filmed

                                               Here is Sea Glass (right) from the other side of the Turtle Rocks
 This island was created when the channel was dredged so cruise ships could go through

                                                              We got out and walked around a bit

Then made our way to Great Guana Cay into Bakers Bay.

                                                    quiet view of the Marina.

                                                  Then got back on board

                                                 and went around to a different part of the cay..

                                                    got off the boat and walked to get lunch

                                           Tree on Right, Poisonwood Tree, Tree on Left the Antidote Tree

                                                           Nippers Bar & Grill

                                                           Then after lunch, another group picture

Walked back to the boat, (left my sunglasses in the gift shop :-(   oh well)  and then made our way to Man-O-War Cay, where we stopped at the Canvas store right on the marina. In this small store they make all the canvas totes on the premises.  Of course I bought one!

Then onto Hope Town, in Elbow Cay where we all got an ice cream cone and then walked up the famous Red and White lighthouse.   (sorry pictures coming later)

Here's the group, close up and personal during the vacation

It was a wonderful day on the water and a wonderful week in Abaco!

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