Sunday, April 3, 2011

Flight to Abaco

Overall the flights to Abaco island all went well.  We (Joe, Julie, Scott and myself) had a really long layover in Fort Lauderdale, but we walked outside between the terminals and enjoyed the 80 degree day, had lunch at Chili's Too, and I watched part of "Social Network" in the terminal.  Eventually it was time to board our final flight to the island.
Here is a picture of the first thing I saw outside my window in seat 2A.
Yeah, it was a small propeller plane, 18 seats but it was a remarkably smooth flight, though it was noisy.   I thought to myself, what would Suzie think of this plane?  I think I know the answer.

                                                         Yes we were this close to the pilot.

                                                    And here is a view from the sky of Fort Lauderdale


                                                 and Grand Bahama Island

                                                          And after we landed!


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