Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tribute to the King

A couple weeks ago Kathy organized our next adventure.  We went to the Potawatomi Bingo Casino's Tribute to the King, in the Northern Lights theater.  Kathy's friend Bob is in charge of the entertainment at Potawatomi and Kathy thought we would have fun at this show, so come along and join us as we rock with the Elvis.
I had never been to Potawatomi before, and as we walked into the casino I was amazed at how packed it was.  The Casino stretched out in all directions, and Jackie and I followed behind Kathy, as we walked to the theater. (Bingo is played on a different floor, but we didn't venture out to that area.)  The theater has recently been remodeled and has seating below the stage, followed by rows of half circle tables that can seat 4, then a upper balcony. Overall it holds 500 (which was filled to capacity this night).   We had great seats, at a table right in the center (thanks Bob!) and we ordered some refreshments.  Kathy explained how the competition worked.  During the day, 10 Elvis' compete at noon and then 10 more at 3pm.  There are two winners from each of those two shows, which are free to the public.  This takes place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Each evening the 4 Elvis winners from the afternoon compete again in front of a panel of judges, with one winner.  Then the 4 winners from each of the 4 evening shows competes on the following Friday night, with a winner being crowned with the Title of Best Elvis, and earning $25,001 as well!.
You ain't nothing but a hound dog if you think this was a boring show, so put on your Blue Suede Shoes, and Its Now or Never to join us for A Tribute to the King of Rock and Roll.

Each Elvis worked the crowd and each sang two different songs.
Here is Elvis #1

Each Elvis sang a ballad and another song, usually one with a faster tempo.
#1 was a little older Elvis, he performed well and was very entertaining.

Here is Elvis #2   Obviously a younger Elvis

His mannerisms were truly Elvis.  He communicated well with the audience, always keeping in character and he sang extremely well.  The ladies loved him (more on the ladies in the audience later)

Elvis #3

Another older Elvis, with an awesome outfit.  As with the others, he sang perfectly but did not connect as well with the the audience as #1 and #2 did.

and Elvis #4

Army Elvis, another younger Elvis..  I can only say that he too, sang well.  Very entertaining though he did not have all the Elvis mannerism perfected.

This was not the end of the evening...actually there was a lot more songs to be sung.  The National Elvis impersonator came on stage next to do this thing and entertain...

 followed by last year's Potawatomi winner..

There was a tribute to
on the side screens..
and then more costume changes... with t shirts being shot into the audience from a hand held cannon ...

more singing and more costume changes and while singing (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear,  teddy bears were tossed out to the audience and during the Blue Hawaii segment, leis were presented to anxious ladies.  This is the thing I am just not so sure about.  So many ladies were All Shook Up and excited to be kissed, or hugged, and waited in line to get a scarf or the lei from one of the Elvis impersonators as they were performing.  It is fun to watch especially if they are remembering what it was like when they were much younger and now they are "pretending" Elvis is actually playing to them, then it's in fun, made us all smile and we are laughing along with them.  But, if these ladies truly were excited about these impersonators, living for the attention from them, wanting that kiss or connection, then I am afraid our group was laughing at them.  Ok..Don't Be Cruel, enough on that.
Next came time to announce the winner.......
Congratulations to Elvis #2...(yes the three of us picked that #2 as well).   Then Elvis #2 competed on the following Friday night against the other evening winners, and  drum role please....... He was the Potawatomi winner, best Elvis Impersonator 2011.
Not over yet, more costume changes, more songs, (this picture really looks like the King)
and about three hours after we got there, the show was over.  The only song I believe we didn't hear was In The Ghetto.  This competition is held here at Potawatomi every year, and if you like Elvis songs...THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE!  Lots of fun, lots of music, lots of laughing, and great entertainment.   Thank you, Thank you very much.

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