Monday, September 27, 2010

Riveredge Nature Center

Last week Monday we (Jackie, Kathy and myself) visited the Riveredge Nature Center in Newburg, Wisconsin.  Near West Bend, it's a 370 acre natural sanctuary that includes 10 miles of trails around ponds and through woodlands and prairies. 
We hiked around the pond first, disturbing numerous frogs as they jumped backed into the pond from sunning themselves.  We saw many "eyes" breaking the water surface as well.  Then we proceeded to hike the paths, which were very easy to walk on.  We did pretty good following the map given to us from the Visitors Center.  We walked up and down trails, found a teepee, some observation platforms, another pond, a boggy area and a building used as a classroom.  We walked the "Prairie Trail" and we weren't sure of the difference between a meadow and a prairie..could we envision Laura Ingalls little house here?  It was an enjoyable hike, even though we didn't see much wildlife, just a few birds and a lot of orange bugs on the milkweed pods. 
Quirky Tidbit:  Found a pile of animal bones, not sure if they were staged there, like for a savanger hunt or educational find, or if they were leftovers??
Cost $4.00, I believe there's a discount if you are a member and they have multiple family and children programs.  They also have a website:
We all enjoyed, 3 thumbs up.

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