Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Farm

A few weeks ago a small group of us went to the Homestead Pumpkin Farm, which is located near North Lake.  Leah and Nick, Heather and Scott, my sister Judi, her daughter Amy and 2 sons, Lawson and Weston, Amy Pizur and her niece Julia, Suzie and her friend Stacy and son Evan and myself. 

Upon arriving we went directly to the barn to pay for what we wanted to do.  We all paid to pet the animals, go on a hay ride and go into the corn maze. 
First, on to the animals.  There were quite a few goats, a calf and some donkeys that were standing picture perfectly, chickens, geese (Goose Stay Away!) and turkeys. 
The donkeys seems very sedentary, they did not    
     move much but with so many very young kids running around them, their disposition was great.   

After we all had our fill of the animals, it was time to go for a hay ride.
We all climbed in (except Amy and Julia decided to sat this one out).   The hay ride chugged along, with pictures of things posted for passengers to find along the way. 

After the hay ride,
we went into the corn maze.  For some reason we split into two groups.  There were questions at checkpoints along the way with two answers (one being the correct one), each answer had a letter and all the letters spelled out words.  I believe there were 12 checkpoints, but with the unseasonably warm weather, and the two year olds that wanted to be carried, neither group finished all the checkpoints.  But it was fun to just walk and really have no idea where you are.  We all made it out and then it was time to pick out pumpkins and have a group picture of all the kids (and Amy).

A Successful Outting!

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