Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dirty Girl Mud Run Year 2

Suzie, Heather and myself just finished our 2nd year of the Dirty Girl Mud Run, benefiting Breast Cancer research.  My sister, Judi, (breast cancer survivor!!!) joined us this year as we crawled, climbed, and got mud in places mud should not be.  This year the Mud Run moved to the Waukesha Expo center which is closer to my home (15 minutes) and also has a lot more parking 'at' the location.  We had visions of more mud obstacles dancing in our heads as we registered, grabbed our free beverage (we chose to have it before rather than after) and dropped off our backpacks at the free storage location.                            

Before Picture (I wore last year's shirt, but soon they would all look the same)
We all were in our places with our bright smiling faces, as we joined up with the rest of our Mud, Sweat and Cheers teammates (girls that Suzie knows through work).

 Soon it was 10:45 and our WAVE took off.  Unfortunately this year I had injured myself just a few days earlier, hip flexor.  I knew there would be things that my stiff hip would not allow me to do, but thanks to my wonderful daughter, sister, and further daughter in law who all stayed with me and helped me when I got stuck, I did a lot more than I expected.
How did this year compare to last..on all counts this year was MUDDIER.   And if you are in a Mud Run, then the more Muddier the BETTER!   There were more than twice as many obstacles, most being mud pits that you had to crawl through and there weren't any lines to wait in because too many people were at an obstacle as happened last year.  The only thing I didn't like about this venue was that the path was laid out like a turnstile in a huge field, which means you see everyone everywhere.  There was one part that takes participants into a wooded area, but the majority is in a open field.  I did like last year's path through the woods, creating obstacles from nature's hills and crevices, which also made it seem private, as if no one was participating except the small group around you...but is that really more fun?  Seeing hundreds and hundreds of females dripping in mud, laughing is quite a sight!
Since I could only do a little gallop because of my hip, we finished the 5K in just over an hour.  The last obstacle was really muddy, crawling 35 feet through 8 inches of mud under a mesh net which is 18 inches off the ground while sprinklers are sprinkling on you as you glide through the mud.  Try to envision that!

Here is our After picture

This year the shower area was better, it was the cattle trough area used during Fair time.  The barn next door was used to change clothes.  We spritzed the mud off our faces and the caked sludge off our clothing but did not try to really clean up there, we saved that for our showers at home.
Overall....What a super fun thing to do with those that your really care about!  Leah and Amy Pizur..NEXT YEAR FOR SURE!!!