Monday, September 27, 2010

Riveredge Nature Center

Last week Monday we (Jackie, Kathy and myself) visited the Riveredge Nature Center in Newburg, Wisconsin.  Near West Bend, it's a 370 acre natural sanctuary that includes 10 miles of trails around ponds and through woodlands and prairies. 
We hiked around the pond first, disturbing numerous frogs as they jumped backed into the pond from sunning themselves.  We saw many "eyes" breaking the water surface as well.  Then we proceeded to hike the paths, which were very easy to walk on.  We did pretty good following the map given to us from the Visitors Center.  We walked up and down trails, found a teepee, some observation platforms, another pond, a boggy area and a building used as a classroom.  We walked the "Prairie Trail" and we weren't sure of the difference between a meadow and a prairie..could we envision Laura Ingalls little house here?  It was an enjoyable hike, even though we didn't see much wildlife, just a few birds and a lot of orange bugs on the milkweed pods. 
Quirky Tidbit:  Found a pile of animal bones, not sure if they were staged there, like for a savanger hunt or educational find, or if they were leftovers??
Cost $4.00, I believe there's a discount if you are a member and they have multiple family and children programs.  They also have a website:
We all enjoyed, 3 thumbs up.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Let's Go!

Over two years ago three friends, Kathy and Jackie, and myself decided there is a lot to see in Wisconsin if you can take the time to check it out.  We decided to "Make Time to Escape" and have some fun.  Many people talk about going here or going there, but then something comes up and they cancel.  We do not cancel.  We set a date, and each week or two, one of us picks the spot and away we go.  We don't really have any rules.  Most escapes are about 3 hours long, but we have done all day excursions.  Most take place in Wisconsin but we have gone into Illinois and talked about traveling even farther.  We have enjoyed every place we have gone, there is always lots to talk about, and a lot of laughter.
We have done the obvious shopping excursions: in downtown Chicago, at the Schaumberg Mall, and at Ikea.  We have gone to the Harley Museum, the Milwaukee Public Museum, and the Milwaukee Art Museum.  We have gone wine tasting in Cedarburg and taken the Miller Brewery tour.  We have hiked at the Audubon Society, Lapham Peak, Grant Park, Mitchell Park in Brookfield, and all around Devils Lake.  We have gotten lost in a corn maze and watched butterflies on the Monarch Trail.  We have visited the zoo and Mitchell Park Conservatory.  We have watched numerous movies, had a Wii Golf tournament, and played mini golf at Fun World.  And there is so much more to do!
So, I thought why not share all our small adventures and create a blog.  So here it is!
Let's meet the Escapees:
Sandy, (me) mother of 4 and 1 grandchild;  Jackie mother of 2;  Kathy mother of 4, one still in HS. 
We aren't youngsters but you are only as old as you feel, and we feel great as we enjoy our escapes!

Two weeks ago we went to Arlington Park in Illinois to bet on the horses.  I had gone to Arlington many times but not in over twenty years.  A few years ago there was a fire at Arlington Park, and it was closed for a while as they repaired and rebuilt it.  Now, it looks fabulous.  It has a really classy feel to it and extremely clean.  We ate at the food court and then made our picks.  This was the first time Jackie and Kathy had been to Arlington, but it didn't take them long to figure out what to do.  We even had a Green Sheet, additional information so we would be sure everyone there.  There were 9 races that day, and we bet on every one.  The last race was the best for me as the horses I bet on came in first, second and third.  Overall, we all won multiple times, none of us MADE money on the day, but what we netted out was worth it for the entertainment.   It was so much fun, watching both the horses and the people. 
Great value, no parking fees and when you buy tickets online its only $6.00 on a Saturday. 
We stopped at a Panera on the way home to eat dinner.    Great Escape..three thumbs up from all of us. 
Quirky Tidbit: they do not accept nickels when placing bets.  That sounds funny, but they do not give out nickels when you get paid out from a race since amounts you win are in even amounts like $2.10 or $3.40.  Placing bets and receiving your payouts is quick business and they don't have a coin compartment for nickels.

Sandy, Jackie and Kathy at Arlington Park Racetrack